Double Success


I am an unapologetic musclehead. I believe in the big lifts. I love heavy weights. I get excited when one of my clients goes for and gets a personal record during a training session or competition. But I have to say, I’ve had two of the greatest moments of my career this week and neither […]

BioSignature Modulation – The Missing Link to Ultimate Body Composition


Maybe you’re the type of person who’s got it all figured out. You’re eating clean. Your training is smart and consistent. You’re even getting a good amount of sleep. Yet, your body composition just isn’t where you’d like it to be. Or maybe you are a total newcomer and are looking for that extra edge […]

Dancing With The Stars


The Fall television season is upon us which can only mean one thing. For four hours each week the television in my apartment will be tuned to a show called “Dancing With The Stars”. For those of you who, like me, spend more time in a squat rack than in front of a television, DWTS […]

Three Things We’re Getting Wrong


As most of you know, I am not an internet trainer. By that I mean I am someone who actually trains a full roster of clients so I don’t have much time to muse about random thoughts all day from the safe confines of my laptop keyboard. Not that I really have anything against internet […]

Steak With A Side of Pizza


As many of you have heard by now, in their infinite wisdom Congress has decided to declare pizza a vegetable. When news of this broke about 2 weeks ago my Facebook Newsfeed lit up like a Christmas tree as everyone in the fitness community (who make up about 70% of my FB friends) was outraged. […]

Why You Don’t Have The Body You Want


You’ve got your diet dialed in. You’ve got a pill box full of supplements. You haven’t missed a single trainig session in 6 months. Yet you still don’t have the body you want or think you should have. Unfortunately, this is a more common dilemma than most people realize. I’m here to give you the […]

RUDY-RUDY-RUDY: The Risks and Rewards of Following Your Dreams


Have you ever seen the movie “Rudy”? If not, here’s a recap. A runt-of-the-litter high school football player grows up in a steel town. Graduates and works at the mill. His best and only friend dies in an accident so the kid, Rudy, decides to follow his dream of playing football for Notre Dame. His […]

How The Weight Room Saved My Life


I didn’t jump up from my seat, slam my hands on the table and scream it. I actually just kind of mumbled it under my breath. Little did I know at the time that those five words would be the beginning of an ongoing experience that completely changed my body, my career path, my outlook, […]